Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anatomically Correct Halloween Sweets

It’s almost Halloween!  Due to that and the fact I was in a baking mood.  I put together these lovely beauties. 

They are both Martha Stewart creations (1) and were surprising simple to make. Note: the brain ones call for some kind of difficult Martha-ifed icing.  I decided that regular butter cream was good enough and just made that instead (2)

I did these not only because of the obvious proximity to Halloween but also as a tribute to my flag football boys.  As Team Mom, I am obliged to bring a snack and felt like these cupcakes were not only seasonally appropriate but also added an additional educational anatomical element (3).

Well they must have been a good luck charm because the kids guys actually won.  However, Mr. MedSchool finally did himself in and hurt his hamstring.  He has been limping around the house and turned into a pitiful mess.  He has declared that he won’t be able to play next week (4) and has been downing Advil like they were tic tacs.  Ohh… the pains and pressures of professional (school) Athletics.  Next thing you know they’ll be asking for a raise (and by that I mean an upgrade to Capri Suns and twice the baked goods).       

2. Butter and Powdered Sugar Martha…not everything has to be difficult 
3. And a constant reminder to the guys that they really needed to be studying…not pushing each other  around and throwing a ball.
4. Yeah, we’ll see if pride plays out on that one. 

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