So Mr. MedSchool and I were invited to a Couples Pumpkin Carving party put on by members of the Wives Club. We enjoy holiday festivities like pumpkin carving, dying Easter eggs, and other fun stuff (1).
So we toted our pumpkins and potluck dish over to a fellow Wife's house so that Mr. Medschool could use his new dissection skills on the pumpkin. We showed up on time (2) and as the other couples began to arrive, I noticed that they both had kids with them. Then another couple came with their baby. Awesome. I know that the invite said families were invited but I still don't think about people our age having kids. In Big City, South, we had lots of single friends and some married friends but none of them had kids. After moving to Small Town, South, everyone we know is married and most of them are starting families or have little ones (3). So having kids at every event that we go to is new to us.
Don't get me wrong, I like kids and I want to have kids some day (4). However, Mr. MedSchool and I are smart enough to know that if we were to raise a child at this juncture in our lives... we would screw it up (5). Not that we aren't responsible, caring people (6), we're just not ready to raise another human being.
So as we helped 4 year olds carve jackolanterns (7), we continued to adjust to our newfound friends and their families (8). Maybe it will be good practice for some day done the road (9).
Most importantly we did find time to actually carve our own pumpkins.
1. Yeah I know we can be lame sometimes but this didn't just start when we got married.. apparently, we have always been lame.
2. I have a thing with being prompt
3. Little ones with big voices
4. Probably... maybe ... I think
5. Yeah, I just referred to a child as "it"
6. Not that we are, either
7. 4 year olds with knives... even I know that's a bad idea
8. and holding newborn babies without freaking out
9. Like miles and miles and miles down the road
Baked Doughnuts
2 days ago
We had lots of friends in our last Small Town that we lived in (moved back to the Big City last week!) that had small children. It was interesting, but ended up being a fun thing - I could have my "baby fix" playing with their kids for a few hours. But, it does get hard when you want to have an adult dinner party, you have to say, adults only, as in, get a babysitter. Ha!