Thursday, August 5, 2010

Renovation Continuation

Good News: No mold!

Bad News:  The cost of the new floor was an extra $400  (for two hours of work) (1)

Worse News: It's been two weeks (2) and my bathroom still looks like this:

To make matters worse, I loose my workhorse husband to school starting next week.  So we have approximately 3 workdays to get tile up and toilet in (3).  This plan has one fatal flaw.  In order to get everything done ... I have to help.

We'll see how that goes.

1.  After hearing this information, Mr. MedSchool thought for a hot minute that he might try another career.  After a swift kick in the pants, this decision was changed. 
2. On a one week project, mind you 
3. Yeah there's actually a lot more to it than that but I'm a sucker for alliterations 

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