So I got a text message the other day that read, “I just got my medical kit. It is awesome. I feel like a real doctor now.”
This all started about a month ago when Mr. MedSchool came home and told me that he had to unexpectedly drop $800. Great, what could have broken (1)? Did we have to fix all the pipes under the house or something? Nope. Mr. MedSchool had to purchase his medical kit. This kit was full of toys medical tools like an othalmoscope (2), tuning forks (3), reflex hammer (4) and stethoscope (5).
Well last week the kit came in and when I arrive home Mr. MedSchool had already given himself a full exam. He then proceeded to sit on the couch and listen to his heart, his stomach, his head, the TV and me through his stethoscope. Then hit himself repeatedly with his reflex hammer and laugh after each time. However he couldn’t look into his own ear or eye (6). Because of this inability, I became the subject. Don’t fear, my heart sounds find and my reflexes work. However, I apparently have very black eardrums, and I we’re not sure about my eyes as I cannot keep them open when a bright light is shined in it – particularly when the “doctor” can’t see so he gets as close as he can and takes way too long to look.
1. And how did you do it?
2. Thing Doctor uses to look in your ears and eyes
3. Tests hearing and stuff like that
4. Like the one that the doctor uses to hit your knee with
5. Yeah, you should totally know that one
6. Although I wouldn’t put it past him to have tried in the mirror.
haha! same thing happened when my husband got his kit...i thought i was going to go blind after that!